Maple Style Guide

How to wear a blue cardigan in the office?

by ZhouPeilin on Sep 21, 2022

How to wear a blue cardigan in the office?

A cardigan is one of the most versatile pieces of clothing. Right from wearing it to a solo date to the office as a formal outfit, it can be styled in so many different ways. Cardigans look very chic and fashionable if worn in the correct manner. Irrespective of which season you’re in, be it summer or spring, cardigans  are fit to wear in any weather. Undoubtedly, the material will change from season to season , but they come in so many different styles that they will never disappoint you.

Blue cardigans, in particular, are perfect to wear in the office. This color suits almost everyone and looks effortlessly elegant. Now, there are different types of cardigans that come in the market and you can style this timeless piece of clothing in so many different styles as we have discussed in this article.

1.      Belted Cardigan

Blue cardigans are trending these days, especially long belted ones. They give the entire outfit a new and smart appearance. These cardigans are made up either of cashmere, linen, cotton or wool. However, this type of cardigan should be avoided by curvy people as it might not look the best on them. Thus, it is recommended for people who have a toned body. This type of cardigan can either be short or long in length depending on the personal preference of people. You can wear them over dresses, leggings, stockings, and pair the entire outfit with high heels, too. This look is perfect for your office and would make you feel very confident as well.  

A classic piece that you can wear all year round, this blue cardigan in mapleshop is perfect for layering when the weather gets cooler. The knitted fabric is soft and easy to wear, while the cut out design adds an edgy twist to this must-have wardrobe staple.

2.      Vest Cardigan

This type of blue cardigan is usually sleeveless. It is highly recommended during weather change when there is a slightly cold breeze but you don’t want to wear anything full-sleeved or heavy. These blue cardigans are extremely fashionable and look great on any type of outfit, especially formal wear. They are made up of cashmere, cotton, cotton-wool, sheep-wool, linen. The length of these cardigans differs from waist length, hip length, knee length, etc. depending on the preference of the consumer. For office use, we recommend you to purchase knee length blue cardigans, which will make the most perfect office attire.

3.      Crop Cardigans

As the name suggests, these blue cardigans are cropped and are usually till the chest. They are made up of light material and go well with dresses. They even look stylish and are very easy and comfortable to carry. These generally come in solid colors and are paired with printed dresses and tops. At the front, they usually have either buttons or hooks. Sometimes, they are left without any such thing for them to be flowy. They are made up of linen, cotton, cashmere, lace, etc. It is perfect for days when you don’t want your outfit to be too formal.

4.      Hooded Cardigans

As the name suggests, these types of blue cardigans have a hood at the top and are left open at the front. They look mostly like a jacket as they can also have a zipper at the front or buttons. With a hood at the top, they give a very sporty look to the entire outfit. This type of blue cardigan looks best on boys and is worn over cargo, jeans, or sweat pants. They have a long length, going all the way up till the knee. However, they are available in different lengths, ranging from waist to hips to knees. They are generally made up of linen, lace, cotton, or wool. This is another type of cardigan which is perfect for casual office days when you don’t have to attend any meeting.

Women's Blue Cardigan with Arrow Pattern

Our Arrow pattern blue cardigan is the perfect piece to add to your wardrobe. It has a relaxed fit, V neckline and long sleeves. Wear this versatile cardigan with jeans or leggings for a comfortable look that’s good for any occasion. Don't forget you can find it in the Mapleshop!

5.      Open Cardigan

This type of blue cardigan is open at the front and is known for this style only. It does not have any buttons or zippers at the front. At the front, it has some extra fabric lying which is made in such a way that it looks stylish and classy. They come in different patterns and colors, and look great on tall people and is made up of polyester wool, knitted wool, cotton, etc. They can be paired up with any outfit, especially t-shirts, jeans, tank tops and are long in length. This can again be styled in so many different ways like wearing a shirt underneath the cardigan or wearing a belt on top of it. This makes one of the most versatile cardigans out of all and goes very well in the office. 


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